What are you looking forward to about the Asheville area?
Being in the Asheville area, we will be near family that we usually only see during the summer.
Tell us about your family.
I am married to Clif, an MPA graduate. We are the parents of adult children, our son Taylor and our daughter Jenna and her husband Ernie.
How did you first get connected with APCS?
My first connection with APCS was through my in-laws, George and Linda Grow, long time teachers at MPA.
What preparation did you have for your role at APCS?
I have taught only in multigrade classrooms including one teacher schools. This has prepared me to be open and aware of the range of learning even in a single grade classroom and be able to meet each student where they are individually.
What are your hobbies?
I enjoy being outdoors exploring and spending time with my family. I also like to bake, read, and put together jigsaw puzzles.
Favorite Bible verse